Creative block: the fear we all – and always – feel
It doesn't have a time or a specific way to come. It just does it so naturally that it's almost impossible to notice. But I do. I could be writing so many stories and being and doing so many things at the same time because my brain is so creative that it almost kills me – and in this moment, the block comes. All the artists – at least all that I know – had a similar experience in their lives. Being creative is awesome but can be really tough. Everything in your day may remind you of your job because, well, you choose work with what you love. And suddenly, there's no idea left. Everything that you write seems stupid and bad and blankets call you baby. It really sucks. But it 's okay. We all feel it. But I won't lie when I say I don't fear it. Working with this is the problem. In this moment where everything – and I'm being serious here – you create seems horrible and you feel like a bad potato, the last thing you must do is push...